Terms of Service

Please read these Terms of Service ("Terms") carefully before using the Pixel Verify Discord Bot ("Bot") created by Eposs ("Developer"). By using the Bot, you agree to be bound by these Terms.

By using the Bot, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to these Terms of Service.

Last Updated: 09.03.2024

  1. Use of the Bot: You may use the Bot on the designated server for its intended purpose.
  2. Limitations of Liability: The Developer is not liable for any damages or losses incurred from the use or inability to use the Bot.
  3. User Conduct: You agree to use the Bot in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations.
  4. Privacy: The Bot collects and securely stores your Discord ID, Minecraft name and uuid.
  5. Data Security: Reasonable measures are taken to protect your information, but absolute security cannot be guaranteed.
  6. Data Retention: Your information will be retained for as long as necessary or as required by law.
  7. Modifications: The Developer may modify or discontinue the Bot at any time without notice.